On the way to the high camp Mt Sarmiento
Pelagic Australis is in the Falklands
preparing for the start of the 2010/2011 season. First cruise to South
Georgia begins on October 9th.
Our winter trip was cut short for various reasons after a failed attempt on
the elusive Mt Sarmiento in July. As usual the weather, although much more
stable in winter, played it’s hand, but tricky route finding and severe
avalanche conditions helped put the three week effort to rest. Click image
below for a flash presentation of photos from the trip.

Pelagic Australis in Caleta Escandallo. Click image for flash
presentation of 30 images.
NEWS FLASH: Due to a change of schedule for a filming project, we are
now open from December 20th through to the end of January for either South
Georgia, the Antarctic Peninsula or Tierra del Fuego. I am taking any group
booking, or will try to build a team with individuals on a first come first
serve basis, which will dictate the venue. Contact me asap on
To read a great profile of our annual end of season delivery in May 2010,
which includes the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased Course, go to 2.pdf
to read Mary South’s article in the American ‘Yachting’ Magazine. Another
feature on the Falklands and the sail north to Buenos Aires will follow.

Click image for end of 2010 season delivery and RYA shorebased course gallery.
Pictures Miles Wise and Laura Parish.
Other slots on offer for this season 2010/2011
South Georgia - October 9th for 28 days. 2 places available
South Georgia - November 13th for 28 days. 2 places
Antarctic Peninsula - Feb 10th for 21 days. 2 places
Tierrra del Fuego - March 28th to April 10th. 2 places
Tierra del Fuego - April 18th to May 1st. Open
Delivery to Cape Town with RYA course - May 9th to June 20th . 3 places
2011/2012 Season
Clients from our January 2007 Antarctic cruise have booked Pelagic Australis
for South Georgia in October 2011 to support them on a Shackleton Traverse,
again led by myself and Stephen Venables. They will be training in the Alps
this northern winter. This has been one of our most popular expedition
cruises (I’ve done the traverse three times) requiring much preplanning and
training and therefore is a great project to anticipate with a cohesive
group of friends. We can repeat this in November of 2011 if anyone else is
Cheers, Skip
Cape Town