High Latitude Consultancy in conjunction with EYOS Expeditions
Barque Lord Nelson in the Antarctic Peninsula 2014
With effect from March 2016 Skip’s consultancy services are now supplied through a joint venture with EYOS expeditions, with Skip in the role of EYOS' Direator of Sailing Operations. See www.eyos-expeditions.com for details or e-mail: skipnovak@pelagic.co.uk for a preliminary discussion and introduction.
In this role Skip will manage the preparations for all EYOS sailing expeditions. He will coordinate the lengthy permit process, assist Owners and Captains with itineraries and passage planning, and generally prepare the yacht, its crew and the EYOS Expedition Leader and Ice Pilot for their voyage into the ice. As part of the polar preparations, Novak will visit sailing yachts months in advance of the expedition, meet with the Captain and crew, and author a comprehensive report detailing how a specific yacht should prepare for and undertake its polar voyage.
Since 1993 Skip has built an enviable experience through providing super yacht consultancy for high latitude destinations. Past clients, amongst which were some of the first superyachts to visit the deep south, include Metolius, Hetairos, Passe-Partout, Adix, Mertsi-Louise, Kentra, Galileo, Chay Blyth’s Challenge Business the barque Lord Nelson, sy Drumbeat, sy Pumula and sy Salperton. Skip looks forward to bringing this expertise to EYOS Exeditions clients.
SY Pumula
Antarctic Peninsula 2015
SY Salperton Tierra del Fuego 2015
REFERENCES The owners and captains of Drumbeat, Pumula, Salperton, Lord Nelson, Metolius, Hetairos, Passe-Partout, Adix, Kentra, Galileo, Mertsie-Louise. Alice Huisman, Ron Holland, Ed Dubois, Tony Castro, Jens Cornelsen, Butch Dalrymple-Smith, MCM Newport and Chay Blyth. View slideshow below for photos from 2014/15 Austral summer season in Antarctica and Tierra del Fuego including visits to Cape Horn.
Super Yachts in Antarctica 2014/15 from aj pelagic on Vimeo. Click the hd symbol and watch in full screen mode.
Fending off a bergy bit from the side of Hetairos