Skip joins EYOS for high latitude
superyacht consultancy





Servicing the needs of expeditions to Antarctica and the Southern Ocean region since 1988, Pelagic Expeditions can offer both consultancy and support to expeditions of every type including those wishing to re-enact great explorer’s exploits, conduct scientific surveys, make films, dive, climb, ski and kayak.

Super Yacht Consultancy

Skip’s consultancy services are now supplied through a joint venture with EYOS expeditions where Skip was appointed Director Sailing Operations . See for details or e-mail: for a preliminary discussion and introduction.

Mountaineering and Skiing Support

Our sea based mountaineering support experience is second to none in this region and the meticulous preparation and care needed for this most demanding of all activities underpins all our other expedition support work. Click here for a photo logbook of Pelagic supported climbssince 1988.

Film Project Support

Since 1988 we have supported, help make and many times featured in over two dozen films. Having the expertise in mountaineering, diving, kayaking and wildlife locations, we are one of the most flexible of vessel based organizations that fully understand production company’s requirements. Also see out Past Clients section.

Dive Support

Our vessels can be fully kitted out for cold water diving, providing the client group with bottles, weights, two compressors and dive first aid gear. Our Zodiacs, which we always use in tandem for dive projects give maximum flexibility and safety cover.

Kayak and Small Boat Support

We have supported two circumnavigations by kayak of South Georgia and a film project on the Antarctic Peninsula that used kayaks as the mode of travel. In 1997 we supported the South Aris Project with a James Caird replica sailing from Elephant Island to South Georgia. See Kayak and Small Boat Support for details of the services we can offer in what is becoming an increasingly popular high latitude activity.

Test sail of the replica James Caird in Ushuaia before deploying by ship to Elephant Island

Shackleton's James Caird launches    
 from Elephant Island    
Pelagic stands by replica
    James Caird on S. Aris expedition


Scientific Project Support

The Pelagic vessels are ideal for baseline scientific surveys and supporting field parties.


Carrying out a survey as part of Robert Swan's Onestep Beyond Expeditions project
 to clean up Bellingshausen Base Antarctica.



Diving from Pelagic Australis in Antarctica