

Skip joins EYOS for high latitude
superyacht consultancy


Logbooks and Blogs Overview

In 1995, Pelagic together with Gary Jobson's Sailing to Climb in Antarctica Expedition pioneered the first illustrated and daily reported website logbook from a small vessel in Antarctica. With 17 years expertise in this field we can provide turnkey solutions to your expedition website requirements including site design, developing and authoring educational content and consultancy on communications requirements. See below for our current blogs, in particular Laura Parish's Way South Blog from Pelagic Australis, and blogs and logbooks of some of our past expeditions.


19.11.2013 - Pelagic Penguin Project Blogs

A blog covered the activities of the original Pelagic in Antarctica on the Penguin post office blog. Follow these links to get a flavour of sailing in the freezer:

Pelagic ice blog http://www.sailblogs.com/member/ice/

Penguin Post Office Project Synopsis pdf>>



Cape Horn Tour 2012

Read Stephen Weir and others account of a Cape Horn and Beagle Channel Trip.   “My first objective for this expedition ‘to experience some weather’ has already been ticked.”  “It’s been a wonderful expedition, meeting and in many instances exceeding all expectations.”   Read pdf of blog here>>


SouthbyEight - Rosie Thomas' blog from S. Georgia Trip Oct 2011

Read Rosie Thomas' reports from her trip with Pelagic Australis to South Georgia for the Shackleton Traverse.



Way South - Blog by Laura Parish first mate on board Pelagic Australis

Get a flavour of life on board with these stories filed by Laura from on board Pelagic Australis whilst at sea visiting the full range of destinations covered each season.  More >>

Chris Harris' blog from Pelagic

Occasional reports from Chris Harris on board the original Pelagic




Antarctica Feb 2011 - Tim Barker's Blog from his Antarctic trip

A very detailed and amusing account with great photos of Tim Barker's trip to Antarctica on board Pelagic Australis.  A must read for anyone thinking of voyaging to Antarctica with Pelagic Australis  View Blog>>



Antarctica Feb 2010 - Mount Scott and and Mount Shackleton sailing to climb expedition

Skip’s story of his February ‘Ice With Everything’ charter with his Swiss Italian friends.  This was another classic ‘sailing to climb’ expedition and proved a viable alternative for competent climbers to our normal 21 day Antarctic cruise.  More>>


Delivery and RYA Training Trip Chile to Cape Town May - June 2009 

Read an account in pdf form from Winter 2010 RYA magazine on the trip from Tierra del Fuego to Cape Town More >> 


Metolius South Georgia Expedition Nov - Dec 2006

Read Tor Lundgren's report in pdf form on the Metolius Explorers Club expedition to South Georgia. The Metolius South Georgia Expedition traversed the overland passage of South Georgia first made by Shackleton in 1917. It also explored the area around Larsen Harbor, including the approaches to Mt. Sabatier and several of the smaller peaks in the vicinity.

The expedition captured a great deal of still and video footage of some of the rarely visited interior portions of South Georgia, from which a documentary film (“the Metolius South Georgia Expedition”) was produced. Also see pdf of CCA News Letter 2008 describing the same trip.


Pelagic Australis attempts the Northwest Passage July August 2004    

One hundred years after the the first successful transit of the Northwest Passage by Roald Amundsen onboard Gjoa, Pelagic Australis began her attempt to transit the Northwest Passage in Greenland on 25 July. More>>

Also see pdf of CCA News Letter 2006 covering the same trip>>


Bill Cabeen's Shutterfly Book of a BeagleChannel Cape Horn Trip - Apr 2008

Preview this 60 page book of Bill Cabeen's Apr 2008 trip to the Beagle Channel, Cape Horn and Tierra del Fuego online and order the book from Shutterfly.

To view book online>>


Breaking the Ice Jan 2004

Breaking the Ice was established by passionate individuals and business professionals from around the world. Their  mission is to inspire people to transform conflicts from enmity into trust and mutual respect.  Breaking the Ice holds an annual flagship event, which aims to send the message of hope, trust and harmony to the world. To learn more about this project and an account of  the first of these expeditions which took place in Antarctica on board both Pelagics see  website>> and  you tube video >>

Sailing Toward Peace 2003

Read Skip's account in the CCA News 2005 of 4 Palestinians and 4 Israelis with one goal on the Breaking the Ice Project.  More>>

Pelagic Climbing Diary  

See the Pelagic Climbing Diary for an overview of climbing expeditions mounted over the nd also visit the sites below :

Mission Antarctica Logbook 1999

Use this link to follow reports from Pelagic's voyage as support vessel for Robert Swan's Mission Antarctica a project to clean up the Russian Base at Bellingshausen on King George Island

Logbook 1997

View daily log reports, 2 Jan - early March 1997, from Pelagic's expedition to Antarctica and South Georgia, escorting the Irish South Aris expedition to recreate Shackleton's 800 mile journey in a 23 foot boat from Elephant Island to South Georgia. These reports cover the historical background and natural history aspects as well as the expedition itself. They will be of interest to schools and home education users who may wish to use the logbook as a Geography and Natural History teaching aid.



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