Sailing on the edge.  Pelagic Australis anchored to the edge of an ice shelf in Antarctica.

Programme 2024/2025


Dates and Outline


23 Nov – 21 Dec 2024 - Vinson of Antarctica in South Georgia - A photographic safari tour of this ultimate wildlife destination led by Rick Tomlinson on board Vinson of Antarctica.
This tour of South Georgia, on board Vinson of Antarctica, will visit the islands' finest wildlife sites and places of historical interest. South Georgia offers a unique combination and range of species in the dramatic setting of South Georgia's fjords and mountains.

To find out more see: and contact Skip Novak by email on

sold out

30 Dec 2024 - 26 Jan 2025 - Antarctic Peninsula 28 day ski randonee cruise on Pelagic 77 Vinson of Antarctica.
Led by Stephen Venables.  For competent skiers experienced with skis and skins. Non skiers also welcome.

See full prospectus here>>

sold out

31 Dec 2024 - 20 Jan 2025 - Amundsen in Antarctica - "Ice with Everything" Antarctic Peninsula 21 day voyage of the new Pelagic 77 Amundsen. "Ice with Everything" general wildlife and scenic tour of the Antarctic Peninsula visiting the hotspots for nature and epic scenery. A less physically demanding option compared to our ski randonee expeditions above. Offers a more personal and immersive experience than going on a larger cruise ship. See full prospectus here>>


25 Feb - 14 Mar 2025 - Cape Horn & The Beagle Channel
A 5/6 day package of RYA Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore Theory instruction in Puerto Williams followed by a 12 day cruise of the Beagle Channel, on board the Pelagic 77 Vinson of Antarctica, with the possibility, weather permitting, of a rounding of and visit to Cape Horn. See full prospectus here >>


17 Mar - 1 May 2025 - Oceanic Voyage Puerto Williams to Cape Town on the Pelagic 77, Vinson of Antarctica. An opportunity for accelerated learning to build sea time and miles and practise ocean navigation and seamanship for both RYA Yachtmaster Ocean and Offshore qualifications.

See full prospectus here>>


24 March - 23 April 2025 - Delivery Passage from Puerto Williams, Chile, to Itajai, Brazil on board the Pelagic 77 Amundsen - An opportunity for accelerated learning to build sea time and miles and to practise ocean navigaton and seamanship for both RYA Yachtmaster Ocean and Offshore qualifications.

See full prospectus here>>


23 Aug - 26 Sept 2025 - South Georgia 28 day ski randonee cruise on one of our Pelagic 77 expedition sailing vessels. 28 day ski randonee cruise led by Stephen Venables. For competent skiers experienced with skis and skins. Plenty to do and see for non skiers.

See full prospectus here>>



True adventure! Pelagic Australis at anchor rides out a 70 knot gust in Ocean Harbour  S. Georgia.
Photo: John Pearson