PROGRAMME 2025 - 2026

14 March - 26 April 2026 - RYA Offshore Yachtmaster Theory Course followed by 10 day Falklands Cruise then Delivery Passage from Falkland Islands to Cape Town (total circa 43 days) on board the Pelagic 77 Amundsen

An opportunity for accelerated learning to build sea time and miles and to practice ocean navigation and seamanship for both RYA Yachtmaster Ocean and Offshore qualifications. A visit to the island of Tristan da Cunha is a possibility enroute weather permitting. The passage is roughly 3,500nm.

View video of the 2023 delivery passage on board Vinson of Antarctica from Puerto Williams to Cape Town covering the Theory Syllabus for RYA Yachtmaster Ocean qualification and the taking of sights towards the final examination.


In the course of this package Pelagic Expeditions, on board the Pelagic 77,Amundsen, is offering three components:

1. A 5/6 day package of RYA Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore Theory instruction in the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore Theoretical Syllabus. A 5/6 day shore based instruction course ashore in Stanley covering the standard syllabus. See details here>>

Shorebased navigation theory and practice

Hands on practical sailing and pilotage

2. Practical pilotage cruise of the Falkland Islands. This 10/11 day cruise reinforces the navigation theory taught and practises boat handling skills such as anchoring in rugged, remote locations. Aspects covered during this phase and later in the ocean voyage include:

• Sail handling and trim
• Tidal coastal navigation and pilotage (including uncharted or poorly chartered harbours)
• Anchoring/mooring for strong weather
• Passage planning for strong weather
• Radar, setup and use of
• Use of paper charts, pilot guides, chart plotters and apps
• Safe tender and outboard use
• Familiarisation with the vessel and its systems before setting out on the ocean crossing
• Crew and vessel management as Skipper
• Practise of celestial navigation

Navigation and seamanship training in demanding Falkland waters

Stanley Waterfront

Johnny Rooks are amongst the wildlife to be seen on The Falklands circumnavigation

For more about the Falkland Islands archipelago, see Falklands page for more info,

3. 21 to 23 day transatlantic (circa 3,500NM) from Port Stanley to Cape Town. This will include hands on experience for:

• An opportunity to learn something about celestial navigation
• Sail handling and trim, rigging for heavy weather
• Passage planning and routing, Weather forecasting
• Radar, setup and use of
• Use of paper charts, pilot guides, chart plotters and apps
• Familiarisation with the vessel and its systems before setting out on the ocean crossing
• Management of vessel systems enroute

This is a unique opportunity to acquire sea miles with ocean and storm sailing experience and skills at pace in a tough High Latitudes environment.

Navigation briefing for the 3,500 mile journey

Please Take Note: This is a hands-on situation and is not a leisure cruise. Crew members will be required to stand a watch throughout, take turns at cooking, cleaning and maintaining the vessel. A reasonable degree of fitness and vitality is necessary for making this an enjoyable experience. In order take part in this shorebased training and subsequent voyages it is essential that the student is fluent in spoken and written English.

Experience Required: This is not a voyage for beginners. Every crew member is expected to have a reasonable degree of offshore experience to fully benefit from the course. An RYA Day or Coastal Skipper qualification as a minimum or other equivalent experience is the level we are looking for. If uncertain contact Skip direct to discuss. Every prospective crew must submit any qualifications they have, plus a sailing CV in order for Pelagic Expeditions to judge whether he or she is suitable for this specialized voyage. Sadly, due to a previous accident, the age limit for this programme is 70 and under. We stress again that in order to benefit from this passage and the course, a reasonable degree of fitness and a high level of self-motivation is required.


Amundsen is run as a "dry ship" when at sea and possibly at some anchorages when there is a real possibility of having to 'up anchor' and move off. This is at the Skipper's discretion. In port reasonable amounts of alcohol can be consumed but excessive alcohol consumption that leads to situations which put people at risk, or where the harmony of life on board is disturbed to an extent that other guests are made uncomfortable will not be tolerated. If this situation arises, the Skipper reserves the right to return to port and to disembark any Charterer at an intermediary port, or disembark the entire group in a group charter if necessary.

Vinson of Antarctica under sail


Students will arrive in Port Stanley March 14 via a LATAM flight from Santiago, Punta Arenas and on into Mount Pleasant Airport in the Falkland Islands. Joining crew can immediately go straight on board

Having moved on board, on March 14 , the next day the students begin the five day RYA Offshore Theory course in a classroom onshore in Port Stanley. This will be followed by a 10-11 day cruise of Falkland Island anchorages

On or about 29 March Amundsenwill depart Port Stanley for Cape Town.

On a good day, Table Mountain can be seen from 50 miles offshore and our ETA is expected there about 2 May. Cape Town Tavern of the Seas!

Pelagic Australis arrives at Cape Town June 2019 guided by Pelagic Syllabus students Celestial navigation alone. Photo: Simon Van Dam


Crew must make sure they have visas, if required, for Chile and the Falklands and South Africa. Photocopies of these visas and proof of a return ticket out of South Africa will be required by Pelagic Expeditions. It is essential that you have at least two clear pages in your passport BEFORE entering South Africa.


GBP 18,000. This cost includes:

Not included:


Equipment List 2 - For the Atlantic Deliveries.

Please  e-mail Skip Novak to reserve a place



Tristan da Cunha