PROGRAMME 2025 - 2026

Delivery Passage from Puerto Williams, Chile, to Itajai, Brazil 24 March - 23 April 2025 on board the Pelagic 77 Amundsen - An opportunity for accelerated learning to build sea time and miles and to practise ocean navigation and seamanship for both RYA Yachtmaster Ocean and Offshore qualifications.

Pelagic 77 No2 Amundsen launches at Makkum Netherlands

With the launch of the second Pelagic 77, Amundsen, we are offering an additional opportunity in Mar/Apr 2025 to take part in a Pelagic Adventure Sailing training package of accelerated learning and sea time towards the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore/Ocean qualifications. In the course of this package, Pelagic Adventure Sailing, on board the Pelagic 77, Amundsen, is offering 3 training and practical experience components:

1. The RYA Ocean Yacht Master Theoretical Syllabus. A five day shore based instruction course plus one day's assessment covering celestial navigation, meteorology, electronic navigation and communications. See the RYA Ocean Yacht Master syllabus here:Click here for details of the RYA Ocean syllabus

2. Cruise of the Beagle Channel and possible rounding of Cape Horn. This 12 day cruise is purely an adventure cruise of the Beagle Channel with various land based activities and a possible rounding of Cape Horn, but also focuses on boat handling skills such as anchoring in rugged, remote locations. Aspects covered during this phase and later in the ocean voyage include:

• Sail handling and trim
• Tidal coastal navigation and pilotage (including uncharted or poorly chartered harbours)
• Anchoring/mooring for strong weather
• Passage planning for strong weather
• Radar, setup and use of
• Use of paper charts, pilot guides, chart plotters and apps
• Safe tender and outboard use
• Familiarisation with the vessel and its systems before setting out on the ocean crossing
• Crew and vessel management as Skipper

Route of Beagle Channel practical cruise


Skip Novak's video highlights of The Beagle Channel cruise with a rounding of Cape Horn

3. Puerto Williams to Itajai, Brazil. This is a 12 day offshore passage up the east coast of South America, sailing roughly 2,000 miles to Itajai in Brazil. The voyage offers the opportunity to get into a daily routine of celestial navigation with a view to assembling the sight workings for the Ocean Yachtmaster examination which can be taken subsequently once landside at an RYA centre. Note that to sit the Ocean Yachtmaster Exam at an RYA Center, a candidate must hold the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate.

Whilst at sea the following additional practical aspects will be covered under he guidance of the vessel's skipper and crew:

• Ongoing, regular yacht maintenance.
• Standing and running rigging checks and repairs.
• Splicing, whipping and other ropework.
• Weather forecasts, GRIB files and routing.
• Heavy weather sailing. Preparing for and practising reefing, heaving to and below decks management.
• Provisions, Water, Diesel and Electricity management.

Route of oceanic voyage

Sextant sight taking at sea on a previous training run

Timings for Amundsen training voyage. For the March/April 2025 programme Amundsen will be embarking her crew at Puerto Williams, Isla Navarino, Chile on 24 March 2025 to begin training the following day 25 March. After the five day training course plus one day’s assessment on shore Amundsen will depart Puerto Williams for the 12 day adventure cruise and an attempt on Cape Horn. After a quick stop back in Puerto Williams to clear Chile she will depart for the passage to Brazil.

This is an opportunity to acquire ocean and storm sailing experience and skills at pace.


Shorebased navigation theory and practice


Sight calculation practice

sistership Vinson of Antarctica in Puerto Williams

Navigation briefing on the oceanic voyage

Please Take Note: This is a hands on situation and is not a leisure cruise. Crew members will be required to stand a watch throughout, take turns at cooking, cleaning and maintaining the vessel. A reasonable degree of fitness and vitality is necessary for making this an enjoyable experience. In order take part in the 5 day training course it is essential that the student is fluent in spoken and written English.

Experience Required: This is not a voyage for beginners. Every crew member is expected to have a reasonable degree of offshore experience to fully benefit from the experience. An RYA Day or Coastal Skipper qualification as a minimum or other equivalent is the level we are looking for. Every prospective crew must submit any qualifications they have, plus a sailing CV in order for Pelagic Expeditions to judge whether he or she is suitable for this specialized voyage. Sadly, due to a previous accident, the age limit for this programme is under 70. We stress again that in order to benefit from this passage and the course, a reasonable degree of fitness and a high level of self motivation is required.


Amundsen is run as a "dry ship" when at sea and possibly at some anchorages when there is a real possibility of having to 'up anchor' and move off. This is at the Skipper's discretion. In port reasonable amounts of alcohol can be consumed but excessive alcohol consumption that leads to situations which put people at risk, or where the harmony of life on board is disturbed to an extent that other guests are made uncomfortable will not be tolerated. If this situation arises, the Skipper reserves the right to return to port and to disembark any Charterer at an intermediary port, or disembark the entire group in a group charter if necessary.

Pelagic Adventure Sailing is a recognized and licensed RYA Shore Based training facility. Pelagic Adventure Sailing will provide a qualified RYA Instructor to conduct the 5 day RYA Ocean theory syllabus in addition to the vessels skipper and crew who will instruct the students in all else as mentioned above.

Click here for details of the RYA Ocean syllabus


Vinson of Antarctica, Amundsen's sistership under sail

Learning rope and rigging skills

Puerto Williams with clubhouse Micalvi in the background

Cape Horn

2023 students round Cape Horn on Vinson of Antarctica

About the 10th of April Amundsen will depart Puerto Williams for the 2,000 mile circa 12 day voyage to Itajai in Southern Brazil

Final destination Marina Itajai, Brazil


Students will arrive in Puerto Williams on 24 March via a LATAM flight from Santiago to Punta Arenas followed by a DAP airlines flight from Punta Arenas to Puerto Williams. See . Students can immediately go straight on board. For early arrivals we can recommend hostel or hotel accommodation for those nights prior to the embarkation date, and meals on those days will be the responsibility of the students.


Crew must make sure they have visas, if required, for Chile, Argentina the Falklands and Brazil. Photocopies of these visas and proof of a return ticket out of Brazil will be required by Pelagic Expeditions. It is essential that you have at least two clear pages in your passport BEFORE entering Brazil.


RYA Delivery GBP 15,000. This cost includes:

Not included:


Click here for details of the RYA Ocean syllabus


Equipment List 2 - For the Atlantic Deliveries.

Please  e-mail Skip Novak to reserve a place