01.07.2011 - E-mail News Letter 37
All main photos Laura Parish & Miles Wise
Pelagic Australis docked in Cape Town on June 18th, 20 days in from Stanley including a day’s stop at the island of Tristan da Cunha.
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First Mate Laura Parish and Skipper Miles Wise snug in their Sail Racing gear |
Skipper Miles Wise, mate Laura Parish and crew Dave Roberts are back in the UK and will return for the following season.
RYA course hard at work
Four client/students were on board for the RYA Shorebased Course in Puerto Williams, followed by the 35 day delivery which included a cruise up the Beagle Channel in wintery conditions, a rounding of the Horn followed by a pub crawl in Stanley, before the ocean passage to Cape Town. They are still talking to one another apparently. The same trip in May/June 2012 is already half subscribed.
Wintery conditions in the Beagle Channel
Meanwhile, Chris Harris has laid up Pelagic in Uruguay for the winter and is now in Cape Town busy with the refit of Pelagic Australis. The rig and keel are out and haul out is scheduled for next week.
Laura Parish and Dave Roberts navigating in the wheelhouse
Other News
has been named an ‘ambassador’ for the Volvo Legends Regatta in Alicante
Spain in November, just prior to the start of the Volvo Ocean Race. This is
a gathering of any race veterans since the early days of the first event in
1973/74 through to the present. 15 of the veteran yachts are also expected,
hopefully Kings Legend (Skip navigated in 19778/78 and Drum which he
skippered in 1984/85). Go
Pelagic collaborator and mountain guru Stephen Venables will be joining Skip
in October for another crack at the Shackleton Traverse with eight British
friends, and hopefully will have a go at a few unclimbed peaks along the
way. If you have been or are considering a South Georgia cruise with us, buy
his superb book ‘Island at the Edge of the World,’ published in 1989, but
now with an updated section on his 2000 traverse for the IMAX film and our
2008 traverse, complete with photos. go
www.stephenvenables.com and enter his bookshop.
Trips on Offer
South Georgia: November 12th to December 10th 2011 2012– 28 days
Stanley to Stanley – we have repeat clients on board, so we must be doing it
right! 4 places available.
Antarctica: January 2nd to 22nd - possibly free, but several projects
have an option this period. If you have a group ready to roll (with a
deposit) contact me.
Tierra del Fugo and Cape Horn – Our two week cruise in the southern
fall – the best time of year. 5 places available
Delivery to Cape Town with RYA Course: May/June 2012 3 places
And as usual, for the 2012/2013 season it is not too late to book. Pelagic
is engaged in January through to end of February 2012, but otherwise free
for a more cozy and cost effective experience.
E-mail me at
skipnovak@pelagic.co.uk to begin your adventure.
Cheers, Skip
Cape Town