24.10.2016 - Urgent News - Restrictions on Charters in Chilean Waters - Falklands Alternative Proposed - Revised Arrangements for RYA Trip

Pelagic Expeditions along with all foreign flagged charter vessels have had to cancel all of our classic two week cruises in the Beagle Channel and to Cape Horn for the foreseeable future. After 28 years conducting this most popular of our cruises, the Chilean authorities have ordered the Navy which controls the navigation in this southern region not to allow any port clearances for foreign vessels carrying passengers on charter.
It is a long sad story, but in brief it revolves around protectionism for a local charter fleet that does not exist. Therefore, there is no way now to visit this area, other than on your own recreational boat – if you have one. We are trying to find a solution to this dilemma. There are examples around the world where foreign vessels with foreign crew can trade in conjunction with a local business thereby creating a joint venture. This will take time to promote and implement if at all possible, so at least for the 2016/2017 season it is a ‘no go.’
In order to fill the gap for the post Antarctic season, where we did three of these cruises in March and April, and also began our last cruise of the season including the RYA Yachtmaster Shorebased Course, we are now shifting gears to the Falklands Islands. Although not as visually stunning as Tierra del Fuego, and lacking the cachet of Cape Horn, the Falklands are extremely underrated as a destination and cruising ground.

The wildlife is much more prolific and the sailing more dynamic in and around a complicated archipelago. Anchorages are superb and the hiking ashore can be easy or difficult at your choice. Trout fishing is an option, and visiting the local ‘camps’ (farms) is part of the cruise. Diving is also possible in crystal clear water. Although tourism exists within the islands and is land based by and large, having a boat means being able to access many more locations, especially those that are packed full of things to see.

We are now taking bookings for this cruise from April 1st to the 15th, and we have five places still open out of our usual eight. For details of our current Falklands offer with the full trip description, logistics and photo gallery. See http://www.pelagic.co.uk/prog_fi2017.asp>>

For our RYA Delivery end of season project that ends in Cape Town, we are also starting this from Stanley on April 22nd 2017 rather than Puerto Williams in Chile. For serious students taking the RYA course the two week cruise in the Falklands rather than the Beagle Channel is actually preferable as the inshore navigation is more hands on and complex in order to practice what you have learned on the course. The rest of the programme is the same with the ocean passage via Tristan da Cunha and arrival in Cape Town.
Contact Skip for more information on both of these modifications to the upcoming season. skipnovak@pelagic.co.uk +27 724324277