15.11.2018 - News Update - Season underway with 2 South Georgia Trips - Pelagic Goes to Bird Island with BBC and then North for 2019 - Whats on offer in 2018/19
Pelagic Australis has completed the first trip of the season, a sailing to climb expedition to the Salvesen Range in South Georgia. The season is in full swing with Pelagic Australis, piloted by skipper Edd Hewett, mate Charly Bainbridge and crew Simon van Dam are approaching Stanley after their New Zealand group completed a successful Shackleton Traverse on South Georgia.
Strong Easterlies fill the bay at Grytviken with ice
I was on board on the first trip of the season helped out by Pelagic skipper Kirsten Neuschafer with our mixed group of ski mountaineers and day trippers. Five of us went ashore on the south coast for the Salvesen Traverse. Things did not work out like they did in 2016!
To read Stephen Venables and my report on the expedition in pdf form click here >>
Also see below for a slide show of the trip
Pelagic is still coming out of her Falkland’s hibernation. Kirsten arrives in a few weeks to re-commission her for a six week film support project with the BBC on Bird Island, South Georgia – a dream scenario to visit at length this SPA (Specially Protected Area) on the island. They only allow one media visit per year, and no tourists are allowed to land. I wish I was not so busy as I would love to go back there myself, the last time was for ten days in 1988!
For a change of scene and pace, at the end of this southern season Pelagic will be heading north for the Arctic, possibly for several seasons. We are looking for groups (not individuals) of four or five to charter her for West Greenland, Arctic Canada including Baffin Island, beginning from mid July. Write me on skipnovak@pelagic.co.uk to find out more.
We are pretty booked out for 2018/2019.
Antarctic Peninsula with Venables 31 Dec 18 - 28 Jan 19 – must be a ski mountaineer 1 available
Delivery to Cape Town with the Ocean Yacht Master course 13 Apr 19 -25 May 19 1 available
2019/2020 Season See the Programmes Menu for availability – things are booking up fast, but Antarctica in mid February 2020 is the one to go for.
Cheers, Skip

Digging out the mooring bollards after a snow storm
Above Grytviken