Skip joins EYOS for high latitude
superyacht consultancy



2011 -2019

30.11.2019 - News Update - Pelagic winters in Maine - Falklands Photo Safari complete - Australis to Antarctica - Skip on science research trip New Year - Still some places on Pelagic Syllabus Yachtmaster Ocean training delivery Apr/May 2020


17.07.2019 - News Update - Pelagic Syllabus delivery completes journey using only celestial navigation for Falklands to Cape Town trip - Both boats in refit ready for coming season - Skip guides SY Aquijo in Tierra del Fuego - Opportunities for 2019/2020.


02.05.2019 - News Update - Antarctic Season Wrap Up - Original Pelagic Goes North for Greenland Charters - Opportunities for 2020/21


15.11.2018 - News Update - Season underway with 2 South Georgia Trips - Pelagic Goes to Bird Island with BBC and then North for 2019 - Whats on offer in 2018/19


10.06.2018 - News Update - Pelagic Australis arrives Cape Town for Refit - Delivery Trip Report and revised Pelagic syllabus - Whats on offer in 2018/19


11.02.2018 - News Update - Ski Randonnee Antarctica - Superyachts in Antarctica - 14 day Falklands at half price starting 24 Mar 2018 - One place left for Falklands to Cape Town trip - Original Pelagic just keeps going after 28 years - Whats on offer in 2018/19


16.12.2017 - News Update - Season in Full Swing - Ice Coring S. Georgia - Volvo Legends Cape Town - Remaining opportunities for 2017/18 - Whats on offer in 2018/19

Start of the 2017/18 season now in full swing.  Pelagic Australis is now in South Georgia...... More>>

14.09.2017 - 2017/18 Season Opens - News and Opportunities

Start of the 2017/18 season now in full swing.  Pelagic Australis is now in South Georgia...... More>>

07.07.2017 - New Pelagic Syllabus for Falklands to Cape Town Delivery - Skipper and Crew News - Opportunities for 2017/18 Season

Pelagic Australis is now in full refit mode in Cape Town under the direction Alec and Giselle Hazell...... More>>

07.06.2017 - End of Season Falklands Trip Report - Opportunities for 2017/18 Season

In response to the ban on foreign flagged charter vessels in the Beagle Channel our first Falkland Islands cruise in April was a welcome success. This two week cruise was a recce which combined a scuba diving operation for underwater photography/filming and also a general wildlife cruise. More>>

03.04.2017 - End of 2016/17 season round up

The Antarctic season has come to a close. Pelagic Australis and crew are currently on a two week Falkland Islands tour with clients and divers, part reconnaissance for next season. Pelagic has been put to bed in Stanley for the winter. More>>

19.12.2016 - Seasons Greetings! - Christmas 2016 Update

Season’s greetings everyone! We are in full swing down south, as usual. Skipper Dave Roberts and crew on Pelagic Australis are on their way back from the December Antarctic cruise, the first of three. More>>

24.10.2016 - Urgent News - Restrictions on Charters in Chilean Waters - Falklands Alternative Proposed - Revised Arrangements for RYA Trip

Pelagic Expeditions along with all foreign flagged charter vessels have had to cancel all of our classic two week cruises in the Beagle Channel and to Cape Horn for the foreseeable future. More>>

19.10.2016 - Five week South Georgia expedition complete with 2 major unclimbed summits achieved

Pelagic Australis has just finished her five week South Georgia Expedition. Six of us completed a 65 kilometer 16 day ski traverse from the extreme southwest corner of the island at Trollhull to St Andrews Bay on the north coast. More>>

01.07.2016 - RYA training trip arrives Cape Town for PA Annual Refit - Ullman Sails "Good as New" after Antarctic Season

Pelagic Australis arrived in Cape Town on June 17th with seven RYA delivery students having passed the Offshore Shorebased Course in Puerto Williams at the beginning of the passage. More>

14.03.2016 - Antarctic Season Round Up - Skip awarded Tilman Medal - 2016/17 Season Trip Availability

Pelagic Australis has finished her Antarctic season including another ski ascent of Mt Francais led by Stephen Venables in January, and then our “Ice with Everything Cruise” in February on the Peninsula. More>

07.03.2016 - EYOS Expeditions Ltd and Skip Novak Join Forces - Skip to provide his super yacht consultancy to EYOS clients as EYOS Director of Sailing Operations

Effective immediately, Skip will provide his superyacht consultancy services as EYOS’ Director of Sailing Operations More>

25.01.2016 - Mid Season News Letter

We are in mid season. Skipper Dave Roberts and crew Tomas Geipel and Lizzy Fitzsimmons are just finishing their first of two Antarctic Peninsula cruises with a team of climbers led by Stephen Venables....... More>

05.11.2015 - Westwind Ice Coring Expedition to South Georgia

This October the team from the Climate Change Institute from the University of Maine returned to the island for their second reconnaissance expedition. In 2012 working from Pelagic Australis they were thwarted by tough conditions, but managed to get ice cores from the Szielasko Glacier on the Barff Peninsula in addition to old ice samples from the lower reaches of the Nordenskjold Glacier ..... More>


09.09.2015 - Pre 2015/16 Season Newsletter and Refit News

Pelagic Australis is in mid South Atlantic on her way to Stanley after her annual refit in Cape Town. Under the direction of Chris Harris, assisted by Alec and Giselle Hazel,  ..... More>>

15.07.2015 - End of Season Newsletter

In May Dave Roberts and friends put Pelagic to bed for the winter in Stanley. Dave steps up to take over Pelagic Australis in September with Thomas Geipel as mate and Lizzy Fitzsimmons as crew..... More>>

30.03.2015 - March 2015 Newsletter

Pelagic Australis has finished her Antarctic season and skipper Magnus Day, mate Rupert Dixon and crew Amelia Watson are in Tierra del Fuego mode until the vessel leaves for her end of season delivery back to Cape Town in June. ... More>>

16.12.2014 - December 2014 Newsletter

Pelagic with skipper Dave Roberts and mate Joanna Breen has arrived in the Beagle Channel after a quick passage from Cape Town via Stanley, in time for her Christmas charter in Tierra del Fuego. For the past five months she has undergone an extensive refit managed by Alec and Giselle Hazel ... More>>

01.10.2014 - Winter Expedition to South Georgia

Our experiment in a winter expedition to South Georgia was a resounding success, but as usual with all things in a real adventure, uncertainties were part of the mix. The winter weather was ferocious up front, thwarting our original mountaineering plans at the south end of the island, but our .... More>>


14.07.2014 - Special offer to join the Westwind Project in October 2015

This is a special offer from Pelagic Expeditions. Not in any way less expensive as ‘special offers,’ usually are; in fact it is more expensive. Based on Pelagic Australis, it is a once off opportunity to combine your quest for a real adventure with a contribution to scientific fieldwork, from sea level to high altitudes, in one of the most spectacular island wilderness areas left on earth.  More>>



27.06.2014 - Newsletter June 2014

End of 2013/14 season wrap up - Pelagic Australis in Rio - Pelagic refits in Cape Town - Skip wins Geoff Pack Award - More from Skip on Lord Nelson in Antarctica.  THE 2013/2014 Pelagic season has come to a close on both sides of the South Atlantic. Pelagic made the barn first, arriving into Cape Town on May 20th direct from Stanley.


24.03.2014 - March Newsletter and Square Rigger in Anarctica

The Jubilee Sailing Trusts 55 meter sail training barque Lord Nelson arrived safely back in Ushuaia on March 11th after her historic 25 day expedition cruise to the Antarctic Peninsula.


09.02.2014 - Skip's Working Family Holiday - Living the dream

Read Skip's "reluctant blog" about his family Christmas with Gentoo penguins and complicated travel arrangements to get everyone to Antarctica by Christmas Eve. 


29.11.2013 - Report on The Shackleton Traverse From Pelagic Australis October 2013

Read the full illustrated story of a Shackleton traverse that didn't go to plan and an account of the first trip pf the 2013/14 season.


19.11.2013 - Pelagic Penguin Project Blogs

Two blogs are currently covering the activities of the original Pelagic in Antarctica. Follow these links to get a flavour of sailing in the freezer:

Pelagic ice blog

Penguin Post office blog



01.10.2013 - Pre 2013/14 Season News and Opportunities

We are celebrating our tenth season on Pelagic Australis – not with a party or a reunion, but simply by getting on with what we do. I am off to South Georgia for a Shackleton Traverse and other mountaineering objectives, mid October. And so we soldier on.  More>>


10.04.2013 - Three months of "Time Remaining" in Antarctica

An account of Skip's voyages in Antarctica in 2013 including a super yacht consultancy in the Chilean channels, filming Yachting World heavy weather feature and an ascent of Mt Francais with Stephen Venables on an expedition to celebrate Stephen's ascent of Everest.  More>>

21.12.2012 - The perfect Christmas gift

First s. Georgia trips of the season complete - photos from University of Maine expedition - Antarctica with Auntie Skip's story of sailing to the S.  Orkneys with a BBC film crew  More>>

01.11.2012 - Pelagic news for start of 2012/13 season

Pelagic Australis supports University of Maine - Skip signs up as pilot with Jubilee Sailing Trust - Artist Bruce Pearson exhibits and much more besides. More>>

30.10.2012 - Climbing in North Wales with Feb 2013 Antarctic team

For something completely different, Stephen and I met four of our climbing team (the British contingent) for our forthcoming February Peninsula expedition in North Wales for a weekends get together to discuss the project, which was really an excuse for a bit of climbing and a social in the pub! More>>

17.06.2012 - Pelagic Newsletter

Arrival for refit Cape Town - Remaining availability for 12/13 season - Cape Town to Falklands delivery Sept 2012 .  Pelagic Australis safely docked in Cape Town after 21 days at sea from Stanley, including a brief stop in Tristan da Cunha More>>

05.05.2012 - Report on Two 2012 Antarctic Expeditions
In addition to our wildlife cruise in November to South Georgia, our logistic support arm really kicked in for January and February with two back to back projects on the Antarctic Peninsula that were very different.  More>> 

05.05.2012 - News Update and 2013 trips on offer
Next season is filling up fast, faster than last season at this point in time. We are now booking for 2013/14. However, we still are wide open for our October 2013 South Georgia cruise. I am open to suggestions! More>> 

20.01.2012 - Report from Antarctica and TV Programme Alert
Greetings from the Antarctic Peninsula from the Pelagic Australis team.  Last winter was the coldest on the Peninsula in 40 years , so say the scientists.  More>> 

25.11.2011 - Press Release - New Collaboration Offers Film Crews And Adventurers Unrivalled Expertise
Two titans of global exploration and discovery are joining forces to offer film crews and adventurers unrivalled expertise in land expedition and yachting adventure in the world's most exciting and inhospitable regions. More>>


22.11.2011 - Shackleton Traverse October 2011 Supported by Pelagic Australis
Once again October weather made the Shackleton Traverse a thoroughly enjoyable experience. We had good snow cover all the way and no problems with crevasses, making pulling pulks on skis a pleasure – well most of the time. More>>

21.11.2011 - E-mail News Letter 40

Pelagic Australis is off again for South Georgia after a weeks turn around in Stanley. Our Shackleton Traverse expedition in October was another classic outing – Details of BBC Speirs Bruce expedition  documentary airing which features Pelagic  More>>

24.09.2011 - E-mail News Letter 38

Pelagic Australis is well past the ‘point of no return’ on her way to Stanley after an extensive refit. Cape Town has been our refit base for several years now and it is a superb place to get a job done. I want to pay particular thanks to our Test Team Partners and their local representatives  More>>


01.07.2011 - E-mail News Letter 37

Pelagic Australis docked in Cape Town on June 18th, 20 days in from Stanley including a day’s stop at the island of Tristan da Cunha. Skipper Miles Wise, mate Laura Parish and crew Dave Roberts are back in the UK and will return for the following season.  More>>


23.05.2011 - Skip latest Volvo Legends Ambassador

Skip Novak, skipper of Whitbread 1985-86 entry, Drum (famously owned by British rock star Simon Le Bon), is now an Ambassador to the Volvo Ocean Race Legends.



17.02. 2011 - E-mail Newsletter No 36

Report on BBC Film expedition to South Orkney Islands with Neil Oliver.  Late season opportunities for Tierra del Fuego cruise starting 18 April 11 and or Chile Cape Town delivery.



  More from the archive 2002 -2011>>


Moonrise Beagle Channel.  Photo Laura Parish.